Mrs. Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, Director – Social Action Commission
Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, Chair – Social Action Commission
Rev. Dr. Miriam Burnett, Director – Health Commission
Bishop Wilfred J. Messiah, Chair – Health Commission
At right you will find a thank you letter from Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, Chair of the Social Action Commission, thanking the leadership and membership of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for your cooperation and support in informing and enrolling members of our congregations and communities in the Affordable Care Act
Also at right you will find a copy of the original text prepared to tell the A.M.E. Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) Story. It was shared on President Obama’s National Conference Call with the Faith Community on March 10, 2014. The African Methodist Episcopal Church was honored to represent the work of all denominations.
For every AME who helped to make this efforts a trailblazing story of Advocacy, this is YOUR story. This journey toward wellness and helping our communities understand that health disparities are not “our way of life”; rather, that they are candidates for complete elimination in our lifetime. Because of your efforts, we can shout and rejoice that 7.1 million persons now have healthcare coverage and even more are covered via expanded Medicaid coverage.
On behalf of the Social Action and Health Commissions, thank you for Answering the Call to Advocacy. Our work continues as others begin to hear the message and take advantage of this blessing of Health coverage. Be well!!
SIStah “Jackie”
Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, Director
Social Action Commission
Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, Chair
Social Action Commission
You may be the link to someone who has never ever had health insurance, who has been denied many times, and/or who, but for what you share after tonight’s training session might think there is no hope of ever having health insurance.
We offer an extraordinary “thank you” to our AME Church partners of this webinar. Please join me in acknowledging:
The Council of Bishops, The General Board, Social Action Commission (SAC, CFIC, CONN-M-SWAWO+PKs), Health Commission, Dept of Christian Education (RAYAC, Sons of Allen, Council of Christian Educators, Music & Christian Arts), Dept of Church Growth and Development, Lay Organization, Women’s Missionary Society (YPD), AME Christian Recorder, and we hope this list will grow.
We also wish to thank those of other denominations and traditions that joined us on the webinar and have partnered with us in our efforts toward information dissemination. It is partnerships with other Methodist traditions (UMC, AMEZ and CME), the ELCA, to include its African Descent Lutheran Association, and the broader ecumenical community that help to foster the concept of cooperative ministry.
Our special thanks to Enroll America for partnering and making resources for available and much more.
After webinar #1, we invite you (as a bishop, presiding elder, pastor, faith-based officer, organization leader, ministry head, AME component representative, or member who is an activist) to send us information about what you have done, and/or what you are doing, via the connectional website On that website you will find a Reporting Form . We want to spread the word about what the AME Church is doing at all levels. Use it and return it as instructed. Once received, that information will be reviewed and placed on the website within one working week.
Also important are those who joined us tonight to seek information for you, your family, or your circle of influence, YOU are in the right place. After the call, if you need help, please go to the Enroll America website, the Social Action or Health Commission websites.
Our work will not end on March 31st, but we want to have significantly reduced the # of eligible uninsured by that date. We wish to thank Ms. Etoy Ridgnal, Director of African American Engagement at Enroll America for helping us understand more about the ACA, how we can work in the national network of churches and faith based organizations, and to show how we have been good stewards of this legacy of Richard Allen. To date, she has helped us to connect ACA presenters with our bishops, our connectional organizations, our local congregations, our clergy, and our lay leaders. No request has been taken lightly. This young lady is called to do this work and as such, the connection to the Church of Richard and Sarah Allen is providential – because we have caught the vision, we are keeping the faith, and we know that with God and together, nothing shall be impossible.
Please take a few moments to surf the AME Church website for materials to empower our work with more information!! Try,, and In the end, our role as “trusted voices” is needed more than ever, and we won’t let the rocks cry out…instead of using our time, talents, and treasures to make a difference!!