
Climate & Mental Health Report and Webinar

March 29, 2017

Time:  3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (EST)

Message from the Social Action Commission:

On March 29th, from 3:00 – 4:00 pm (EST) Blessed Tomorrow: Caring for Creation Today will host a webinar and release their Mental Health and Climate Guide.

You can learn more and sign up by clicking the link below:

The guide provides a comprehensive overview of the acute and long-term psychological effects of climate change for individuals and communities, expanded research on the disproportionate impacts in vulnerable communities, and a new section with guidance on support and resilience-building at the individual and community levels.

Guest speakers include:
Dr. Susan Clayton, co-author of the report

Dr. Howard Kurtzman, acting executive director of the American Psychological Association’s Science Directorate

Please feel free to share this email and signup link with your networks.

Thank you.

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