
Erratum to The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 2021

There is an error on page 211 of The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 2021, PART XII THE GENERAL BOARD, SECTION I. COMPOSITION, first paragraph.

The correct text is below underlined and in bold:

The composition of the General Board shall be the active bishops of the Church, executive directors of the various general departments, including the Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer and General Secretary/CIO of the Church. The General Board shall also be composed of five (5) representatives from each Episcopal District. Even numbered Districts shall be represented by two ministers and three lay. Odd numbered Districts shall be represented by three ministers and two lay during the 2021-2024 Quadrennial. At least one member of every Episcopal District shall be a young adult between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five (18-35). The clergy/laity order of district representation is to rotate quadrennially. The Council of Bishops shall nominate ten (10) persons to serve as At-Large members of the Board, at least one (1) of whom shall be a young adult between the ages of eighteen to thirty-five (18-35). The heads of departments and institutions receiving funds from the General Budget shall be ex officio members of the General Board. They shall sit with the Board in its meeting. They shall have the right of the floor without the privilege of making motions or voting.

The error has been corrected in the digital version.

The Reverend Dr. Roderick D. Belin

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