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AME Church Addresses Climate Change


Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, Chair, Social Action Commission

Mrs. Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, Director, Social Action Commission

Our Calling

Jesus commands us to “love one another” John 13:34, and God has given us responsibility to care for His good creation (Gen. 1:28, Gen. 2:15). The burning of fossil fuels is polluting our air and waters, warming the planet and putting our seasons out of balance, with low income communities, communities of color, the children, elderly, and our faithful in the Caribbean, Africa and in rural communities bearing the greatest burden.

The AME Church stands together with other faiths who are calling for urgent action on climate change on behalf of the world’s poor and God’s creation. We commit to take action and promote solutions that will help make our families and communities healthier and stronger so we and our children can live our best lives.

The AME Church is a founding member of Blessed Tomorrow, a comprehensive climate change program that provides resources to inspire and empower our congregations and communities with actionable information, powerful engagement tools and resources that will support our work and be a witness to others.


AME bishops provide their testimony on how the AME church is making a difference on climate solutions, why we should all engage and how we can make a difference.

AME Climate Resolution

Passed unanimously at the AME 50th General Conference in Philadelphia in July 2016, this resolution outlines the biblical basis for why AMEC is addressing climate change, how each of us can make a difference and how this helps support our work and witness to “love one another.”

Read the AME climate resolution here and letter to AME church from the Social Action Commission here:

AME Climate Resolution
AME Climate Change Resolution

Social Action Letter
AMEC Climate Solutions Letter

Get Started

Want to know how to take action and promote Climate Change solutions?

Click on the link below to access “Getting Started With Climate Solutions:  A Guide for the AME Church”:

Climate Solutions Guide for AME Church

Reduce Your Impact

We can put our passion for justice into action by reducing our use of fuels that make us sick and shift toward safe, clean energy that will help make every breath our neighbors and families take a healthy one. Learn how to reduce your impact here.

Engage Others

Engage your congregation and community in leading on climate. Go here for research-driven communications tools, resources and other materials to engage and inspire others for climate solutions.

Stay Informed

Join events, get news updates, and share ideas with other faith leaders working on climate and creation care initiatives.

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